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Pet loss gift ideas
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What to get someone who lost their pet?

Losing a pet is heart-wrenching and unbearable. If you are visiting a special someone that has recently lost their beloved pet, then wanting to comfort them is natural. While thoughtful words are great, a thoughtful gesture goes a lot further in offering them the much-needed solace.

If you are wondering about the best gifts you can get for someone that has lost a pet, then here are some wonderful ideas. Your gesture need not be expensive. A simple and thoughtful act can evoke tons of happy memories for the pet owner.

A Portrait of the Pet

A portrait is one of the most wonderful pet memorial gifts as it evokes memories of beautiful moments with the pet. You could have a portrait commissioned if you are familiar with the pet as a family friend or relative. Else, you could request a photo to serve as a model for the portrait.

A well-executed portrait of the pet, especially depicting their cute mannerisms, can lighten up the room as well as hearts. The pet may no longer be around to spread happiness. But their cute face on the portrait can brighten the day for loved ones bringing them closer together.

Personalised Pet Photos

Thinking of meaningful pet loss gifts they can display? Then, a personalised pets photo gift is best.

With a large collection of photo printed products to choose from, the pet owner can display those precious memories anywhere, such as the office or home. The recipient can reminisce on their happy times with the pet with a personalised photo whether it be on their morning coffee mug or a mouse mat of their office desk.

A pet photo gift is a personal and meaningful idea while making the pain of loss more tolerable. The anguish of loss is deep for loved ones. But a pet photo reminds them of the truth of a life well-lived by their beloved pet. The fact that the pet had experienced the most fabulous times with them is sure to give comfort to the grieving.

Discover the exclusive range of personalised photo gifts. There are so many different product options available. The process is as simple as uploading the pet photo on your chosen product, positioning it as you wish and completing the order.

A Customised Pet Ornament

An ornament with the pet’s face or body or a cute close-up, printed on it, can be one of the best pet memorial gifts. The heart shaped photo ornament is a subtle and heart-warming gift a recipient can treasure. It will serve as a reminded of the good and happy times with their pet. When grief takes over, the recipient can feel the presence of their pet through this compact ceramic heart ornament printed with a loving photo.

A heart-shaped pet memorial ornament is meaningful. Fill the heart up with the pet’s paws, cute face or funny moments. You will be giving one of the best gifts to the pet owner.

Check out the heart ornament at The Personalised Gift Shop.

Pets Garden Memorial Sign

Gardens are one of the most loved places for pets. A slate hanging garden memorial sign is a fabulous gift that cherishes the good times spent with the pet. When the pet owner visits the garden, a personalised hanging slate memorial brings those little moments close to the heart.

The Personalised Gift Shop creates cosy hanging slate signs that keep the memories of loved ones alive. Make the hanging slate a treasured gift with a personalised message.

As a natural stone, every piece of slate is different and has its own unique characteristics, unique as the pet itself! This adds its own charm to the personalised memorial.

Personalised Candles

Candles are lit in the memory. The light stands for respect and the times of togetherness. The candle light is also a way to wisdom. It makes one realise that the spirit lives on. Loved ones can take solace in the belief that their pet is happy.

The candle and its light also symbolise hope and peace for the living. It teaches one to move past the darkness of pain where the light of wisdom awaits. Such hope amidst grief gives a reason for loved ones to smile.

The Personalised Gift Shop offers beautiful hand-painted candles with personalised lids. These personalised candles are sure to spread a ray of hope and optimism.

Personalised Pet Wall Clocks

Gift a personalised wall clock that shares a lovely picture of the pet or a special moment with loved ones. As a personalised gift, this wall clock imparts a cosy feel to the space, be it home or office.

A laughing face of the pet, a crasy gesture, or good times shared with the pet, personalise the clock with unforgettable moments. The pet owner will be swamped with pleasant memories of the pet when entering this cosy space reminiscent of some of the most valued pet moments.

With The Personalised Gift Shop, bringing such moments alive on wall clocks is easy. Simply upload the personalised image for the wall clock and be ready to gift that special memory! 

Personalised Pet Fridge Magnets

Fridge magnets personalised with happy pet memories serve as lovely souvenirs of the departed. A beautiful magnet with the pet’s face or a cute mannerism can light up the hearts of the loved ones.

These beautiful memories make the pain of loss less. The gift as well as the giver – you – will always be appreciated by the loved ones.

The Personalised Gift Shop understands the emotions behind every gift, which is why these fridge magnets are designed to last for a lifetime. Just like the emotions and memories behind the special moments captured on the magnets!

Capture special moments of the pet by simply uploading a photo. Gift a lifetime of cherished memories!

Personalised Pet Memory Blocks

Wooden photo blocks, personalised with pet memories, bring meaningful moments alive. A free-standing photo block is a precious gift that spreads the richness of memories everywhere. The receiver can display this natural wooden photo block anywhere they desirre so that their memories stay close to their heart.

Personalised free-standing wooden photo blocks from The Personalised Gift Shop are made to last…just like the memories of the loved ones of the pet. These blocks are designed with solid pine and display a personalised moment in a photo.

A perfect gift to giving loved ones a visual reminder of those cherished memories.

A Pet Memorial Service

Consider arranging a physical memorial service as a pet loss gift for the grieving. It is a wonderful gesture that honours the life of the pet and the good times shared with the pet. You could use a park or garden for the memorial service.

In Conclusion

Thoughtful pet loss gifts are a tribute to a life well-lived and times well-spent. Loved ones of the pet relive cherishing moments, passing their days in those beautiful memories. While the pain of loss takes time to heal, the loved ones will appreciate your gesture as it remains a cherished memory. The thoughtful items suggested here keep the pet alive in the minds of their loved ones.

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