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Meaningful wrapped gifts
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What makes the most meaningful gift?

There is no greater feeling than seeing a loved one’s face light up when they open their present - and we’re not talking about a box of fireworks. Meaningful gifts are truly the perfect way to sprinkle a little extra magic on any special occasion.

If you doubt the impact of meaningful gifts, answer me this: what is the best gift you ever received? The fact that you instantly thought of a great present - or a shortlist - highlights the enduring magic.

Whether looking to buy personalised gifts for a relative or sentimental gifts for your boyfriend, there are several ways to ace the task of giving meaningful gifts. Here’s all you need to know:

Meaningful gifts that celebrate a moment

All of our lives are punctuated by special occasions and experiences that we cherish forever. Personalised gifts that bring back memories of those magical moments are guaranteed to be a big hit with the recipient. It could focus on commemorating a special date in their lives or celebrating an achievement.

Meaningful gifts for loved ones that fall into this category can provide a source of strength when the recipient needs it or a regular reminder of those special moments in their life.

Mark Twain famously said that “the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”. However, there are several moments that a special gift could celebrate, including but not limited to;

  • The birth of a child,

  • Wedding days,

  • Graduation from college,

  • Hitting a landmark birthday,

  • Realising a lifelong career goal.

Great gift ideas include this couple's personalised cheese board set that can include the anime of a Mr & Mrs along with the date of their wedding. Each time they use the product, it will serve as a reminder of their love.

Other popular choices include turning a child’s footprint into a piece of jewellery or handwritten notes into an immortalised item for the home.

Meaningful gifts that commemorate your relationship

For a gift to be considered truly meaningful, it should yield an emotional response from the recipient. One of the best ways to do this is by getting something that’s unique to your relationship. A gift that nobody else could have bought will instantly stand out from the crowd and serve as a continued reminder of your life.

It could be something as simple as a personalised photo mug that displays a photo from a past holiday or a message like “mum” “brother” or “nan”.This type of gift can be particularly useful when you regularly spend time apart. Great gifts could;

  • Pay homage to a nickname or inside joke,

  • Celebrate the moments you’ve captured together through images,

  • Commemorate a special date in your relationship,

  • Mark the years you’ve been friends or colleagues,

  • Show that you remembered something they once said.

The average Aussie is expected to spend $1,361 this Christmas, although this does include food and travel as well as gifts. Still, a unique gift that means something to the recipient and reminds them of you needn’t cost anywhere near that figure.

Even if it is simply a commitment to spending more time on a joint hobby that you love, the gesture is sure to leave your loved one smiling.

Meaningful gifts that include a hidden surprise

The magic of receiving unexpected gifts is particularly noteworthy in childhood, and meaningful gifts that contain a little something extra are an ideal choice when looking at unique gifts for children. Whether it was opening a CD to realise that your parents had bought tickets to see the band’s next gig or finding accessories inside a main toy, we all remember that moment of delighted shock.

It can still have a profound effect on adults, which makes this a brilliant choice of sentimental gift for a relative. Hidden surprises can be a personal touch or an additional gift that is linked to the main present. Some popular examples include;

  • Hidden tickets to see a sporting event or theatre show,

  • A signed piece of memorabilia,

  • Personalised words on any printed gift,

  • Photos or music on a USB stick,

  • A family heirloom from a lost loved one.

People now spend more money on gifts than ever before, as is underlined by the fact that theglobal gift card market is set to hit $1.4 trillion in 2026. It is far better to focus on meaningful gifts that evoke an emotional response. People don’t remember the money you spent - they remember the feeling of happy surprises.

Another option is to retract the steps of your first date to make it a sentimental gift. Or for kids, an entertaining scavenger hunt is ideal.

Meaningful gifts that feel personal to them

Meaningful gifts are more than something you simply purchase from the local store. Personal gifts that actively improve the person’s life are the best solution. Those improvements could come by giving them something they want or something they need. If you know the recipient better than they know themselves, you can probably combine the two.

When finding a gift for someone special, the combination of what they want with what they need can take many forms. Some examples include

  • A new home office chair with a photo gift to brighten up the desk,

  • New golf clubs with a personalized tee,

  • A new pair of shoes with a monogrammed handbag,

  • A new camera with a memory card that has your family photos stored on it,

  • Tools in a personalised toolbox.

The options are virtually limitless. The key is to find something that celebrates what is unique and great about them. Whether linked to their love of a soccer team, their career achievements, or love of their family, the rewards are huge.

As long as meaningful gifts come from the heart, you won’t go far wrong. Check out our store to find a plethora of great gift ideas today.

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